Thursday, August 14, 2008

First entry into my new blog

Hi Everyone! My name is Liz and this is my blog. First off welcome and thanks for reading. My goal with this site is too give you some insight into my world of swing dancing, vintage clothing, music etc. I want to use this blog not only as a way to tell you about my loves but to promote events and other sites that make my life the vintage world that it is.

My ultimate goal is that maybe this site will interest a person or two to take dancing lessons or buy that Glenn Miller CD from the discount rack at HMV :)


So to start off, I have exciting news. A week from Saturday I am posing for a vintage pinup calender shoot here in Toronto (where I live). The inspiration (Gil Elvgren). Want a great site to see all his pics? Check out Awesome site!

Anyways my shoot will revolve around my picture on this blog. I can't cook to save my life, so I thought it would be fun if we did my pictures around Liz burning something in the kitchen hahahaha. My boyfriend when he heard that was the inspiration could not stop laughing, since he is the cook in the relationship (by desperation I think.LOL).

I can't wait! For this shoot. It will be great pictures too look back on when I am 80 and remember how hot I use to be! " you were one pretty lady" is what I can hear now. hehehe

Once I get the pictures in my hand, I will post some on this site for all to see.

Ohhhh did I tell you that I am excited!!! hehehe

1 comment:

Shanon said...

"Grandma, you were one pretty lady?" ...since when did you decide you were going to have kids, let alone there be an opportunity for grandkids? Oh Liz, you are one FUNNY lady!!!

Your site is cool, nice job!